STATUS: Assessment Phase
Community Background
The municipality of Guamote, the biggest in Ecuador, is located at the south of Ecuador with a population of 54,746 people, of which 97% are indigenous. Therefore, their cultural heritage and history have been constructed by legal and political indigenous positioning since Ecuador’s independence. However, Guamote is also the poorest municipality in Ecuador with 97.7% living in extreme poverty according to the non-satisfied basic needs (NBI) index. Additionaly, 95% of them do not have access to drinkable water, which contributes to a number of public health issues. Santa Ana de Mancero is one of the many communities within Guamote that are experiencing extensive public health issues due to poor water quality. We have selected Santa Ana de Mancero as the first community within Guamote with whom we will be partnering based on the severity of the health issues they are currently dealing with.
Project Overview
EWB-PPC is looking to partner with Novulis, a nonprofit focused on dental health. Based on a public health assessment conducted throughout Guamote, Novluis established a list of communities most severely affected by poor water quality. Fluorosis is a prevalent issue in many of the communities, directly related to poor water quality.
EWB-PPC completed an assessment trip in January of 2020 where a multitude of data was collected. A remote assessment trip was completed in 2021 to collect additional water samples and get results from a local lab. The team is currently working on the alternatives analysis for submission.
June 2017
EWB-PPC and Novulis begin working on the program application to obtain project approval by EWB-USA.
August 2019
EWB-PPC received project approval by EWB-USA and started planning for an assessment trip to be taken in January 2020.
January 2020
EWB-PPC took an assessment trip during which they performed water analysis, a household survey, and surveyed the town. The team is currently analyzing these results and determining the next steps for potential designs.
April 2022
EWB-PPC completed a second remote assessment trip and is working on an alternatives analysis.
Project Team
Emily Eichner
Project Lead
Makenzie White & Mallory Hudson
Health & Safety Officers
Bridget Finnegan
Responsible Engineer in Charge (REIC)
Chris Flynn
Technical Mentor
Ruben Niculcea
Ben Lloyd
Local Vendor Coordinator